Angler Science Driftless Area Program
You’re going to be out fishing, so while streamside, why not help TU characterize water quality conditions and identify stream disturbances throughout the Driftless Area by making an observation with the WiseH2O App? Are you not already participating? See the Get Started Section below for how to get started with the WiseH2O app. Tips and instructions on how to use the WiseH2O app are available here.
In 2024, anglers and scientists made 442 observations in the Driftless Area, adding to the 1,827 made in previous seasons. Thanks to all the participants, and a special shout-out to the Kiap-Tu-Wish, Twin Cities, and Hiawatha TU Chapters for making the program successful. The activities report presents a summary of the observers’ activities. We continue to collect information, so join us in helping the effort.
The Driftless Area Scorecard summarizes the WiseH2O app findings so that anglers and resource managers know water quality conditions and issues and potential mitigating and restoration opportunities to address them.
Curious about the reported data? See the observation results and download the data below in the Observations Section. The section also includes a document outlining the data processing methodology and the computations and ranking methods supporting the Driftless Area Scorecard.
You can view the slides here if you missed the 2024 “kick-off” webinar.
2023 September Sampling Blitz
During the Blitz, 34 participants made 121 observations. Congratulations to our winners:
Rainbow Berry (Kiap-TU-Wish TU)
Eric Hanson (Hiawatha TU)
Mitchell Abbett (Twin Cities TU)
Did not participate or win? Stay tuned for the 2024 September competition and a chance to win prizes while contributing to the monitoring of the Driftless Area water quality conditions!
About the Program
Building on the 2019 Angler Science Pilot, Trout Unlimited (TU) has expanded the Driftless Angler Science program to include the entire Driftless Area.
The program continues to allow anglers to make stream-side observations using the WiseH2O app, including screening water quality, identifying stream disturbances that impact fish habitat (e.g., stream bank erosion, fish barriers), and providing general water conditions (e.g., level, clarity). Anglers in the field are informed of the importance of water quality on stream habitat, and the data is stored for use in improving fish habitats. Benefits of the Driftless Angler Science Program are:
Characterization of water quality conditions and identification of stream disturbances throughout the Driftless Area,
Information helpful in selecting habitat restoration sites,
Increased understanding of waterway characteristics useful to resource management agencies (e.g. TU, DNRs, US FWS),
Increased awareness of water quality issues and fish habitat conditions by participating anglers.
Now spanning the entire Driftless Area, the program includes anglers from 14 TU chapters, as well as biologists and resource agents from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Given the collaborative effort, we bring greater understanding and education about stream conditions in the greater Driftless Area.
TU Anglers screening water quality with the WiseH2O app. Photo: John Weiss
Progress Dashboard
With a goal of 2500+ observations by 2024, we are 93% there. Do your part and make an observation in the Driftless Area today!
Following a successful pilot project conducted by the Kiap-TU-Wish Chapter in Pierce County, WI, in 2019, the Trout Unlimited (TU) Angler Science Program with the WiseH2O App expanded to the entire Driftless Area in 2020-2024. The program aims to engage anglers and TU chapters to become more informed and collect actionable data on Driftless Area trout streams. The Activities Report provides an overview of the program’s activities and effectiveness in collecting data and engaging anglers and TU Chapters toward the goal.
As of October 31st, the WiseH2O app had made 2,320 observations in the Driftless Area. The map below summarizes the results.
If you’re having difficulty navigating the map in this view (it is sometimes slow), you can visit
If you’re a data enthusiast, you can download the observation results (2019-2024) in an Excel format below. Documentation on processing and proofing the data is also available for download.
Get Involved
Everyone is welcome to contribute to understanding the water quality in the Driftless Area. Follow these simple steps to get started, and click on the Get Started Guide below for more details:
1. Downloading the App:
Android version can be found on the Play Store by searching “WiseH2O.”
iOS version can be found on the Apple Store by searching “WiseH2O.”
3. Making an observation in a waterway!
If you want to learn more about how to download and use the WiseH2O mApp, visit the WiseH2O App webpage
If you have more questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with Carter Borden (MobileH2O)
Kent Johnson taking a water temperature reading. Photo: John Weiss
We want to thank the Angler Science Driftless Area Program sponsors and participating TU Chapters, organizations, agencies, and individuals. Financial contributors include Trout Unlimited’s Coldwater Conservation Fund, TU Driftless Area Restoration Effort (TUDARE), US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and National Fish Habitat Partnership. Finally, we thank all the TU Chapters and their members for contributing their time to help characterize the trout stream conditions in the Driftless Area.